M7CL V3 Editor
Convenient Console Setup ... Without the Console!
M7CL V3 Editor is a freeware application that allows parameter viewing and control via a computer. When connected to the console and used online it provides comprehensive metering as well as real-time display of selected channel status. Offline you can edit and manage scene data, patch lists, and other functions for a significant boost in control and work efficiency. And where a rental or installed console must be used, you can simply save your settings to a USB memory and load them into the console when needed. M7CL V3 Editor is a great way to manage backups too.

The Overview display offers a convenient view of the mix parameters for 16 channels or mix buses at a time. In Version 3 Sends on Fader functionality is also available via the editor's Overview display.
Selected Channel

Similar to the Selected Channel display on the console, this display provides comprehensive access to all parameters for the selected channel. Multiple “Additional Views” for other channels can be opened simultaneously.

Channel linking can quickly and efficiently accomplished on the console itself, but if you need to create channel link or group setupsoffline, the M7CL V3 Editor makes the task easy.

The M7CL V3 Editor Rack display is essentially the same as the console display, allowing smooth, intuitive effect assignment and editing.

The M7CL V3 Editor allows convenient data library management, too.

You also have full access to scene functions with the M7CL V3 Editor, including the focus and recall safe functions that allow exceptional control over the parameters that will be included and excluded when a scene is recalled.
The colors and finishes shown may vary from those on the actual products.