IMAGINARY MIRROR - The beauty of music. Nothing more, nothing less?

Yamaha artist Wim Van Hasselt together with Koen Plaetinck as ART’UUR have released their first album 'IMAGINARY MIRROR', the musical result of two years of joy, friendship, intense working, arranging, writing, computers, music and happiness. The duo combined a variety of trumpets, a ridiculous array of percussion instruments, and far too many electronics, to create an entirely new musical space.

'IMAGINARY MIRROR' presents brand-new commissions as well as arrangements, it stretches the boundaries of classical music into a unique world of sounds and visuals, infused with traditional music, electro-underground, improvisation and – above all - their own vivid personalities.

“What if dreaming became reality? The imaginary tangible? When living a fairy-tale the fantastic is the concrete...” Inspired by the electrifying philosophy of the Surrealists from the roaring 20’s, they have created a stage full of thoughts - in place of stories - their music literally surrounded by compelling visuals.

They drown the audience in colour and sound. You will not need a manual.