Large piano showroom with concert hall opened in Vilnius

Until now Lithuania had no place where one could see and try around 20 grand pianos, upright pianos, hand-made harpsichord and organ, and moreover - to hear the orchestra of all these instruments in a concert.
The large piano showroom, Organum, opened its doors on 20th of April in Vilnius.
It is not just a piano showroom. At the entrance, underneath the glass roof, there is a concert stage and area for the audience of hundred fifty people. Thursday, Dainius Sverdiolas, the director of Organum company, demonstrated possibilities of the bright hall by inviting audience to the opening concert of the Organum piano showroom and concert hall. The owner himself played organ. In addition, the audience could enjoy beautiful music played by harpsichordist Vaiva Storastienė, pianists Šviesė Čepliauskaitė, Daumantas Kirilauskas and Paris-based piano star Mūza Rubackytė. For the showroom's opening, the composer Šarūnas Nakas composed a version of his famous opus Merz-Machine for eighteen grand and upright pianos that the audience listened in the showroom, spreading among performers. The agency Factum, which operates under the Guinness records' rules, registered a new record - the largest piano ensemble!
"Thank God, finally there is a salon, which will accept rehearsing musicians travelling between two flights" - said professor M. Rubackytė, who had a performance in Paris the next day, and the day after – in Monaco.
Four more Open Pianos Days events are awaiting piano music lovers at the Organum concert hall.
28th of April - Artūras Anusauskas will improvise on Yamaha CFX.
10th of May - Daumantas Kirilauskas will perform a recital on Bosendorfer 214 VC.
13th of May - Petras Geniušas will perform a recital on Yamaha CFX.
23rd of May - grand piano duo of Rūta Rikterė and Zbignevas Ibelgaubtas will play on Yamaha CF4 and Bosendorfer 214 VC.