Jamie Cullum visits Yamaha Kakegawa and Iwata Factory

British pianist, vocalist, and composer Jamie Cullum was coming to tour Japan promoting his newest album ‘Momentum’. Jamie decided to fly in a day earlier in order to visit Yamaha. He wanted to see for himself where and how his favorite pianos are created. And as he toured the factories he was able to get to know some of the craftspeople who actually build the instruments.

At the Iwata plant Jamie watched raw molten metal become the iron frame which is the heart of the piano, and he saw the rest of the manufacturing processes at  Yamaha piano’s “mother factory” in Kakegawa.

The workers at Yamaha are very used to having guests tour the facilities—tour groups are an almost daily occurrence. But to have a Jazz/Pop star like Jamie visit was a rare treat. To make his visit even more memorable, Jamie played an impromptu concert for the workers on a just completed piano in the middle of Yamaha’s production line.   

It was an outstanding performance and an experience which will be treasured by all. An artist who loves pianos meeting the artisans who create them! Jamie’s visit was filmed, and in order to share the experience, a video will be produced of it soon.