World renowned cellist, Johannes Moser to perform Enrico Chapela’s Magnetar with the Orquestra Sinfonica do Porto Casa da Musica

The first date will be in Porto, Portugal on the 4th October at the prestigious Casa da Musica and from here, the tour moves on to Spain where Johannes will give two more performances at the Auditorio Miguel Dlibes, Valladolid, Spain on the 10th and 11th October. The final performance of the concerto will take place in Madrid at the Auditorio Nacional de Musica on the 12th October.

Johannes Moser is praised for his rich, gorgeous tone and playing that can range from lovely and elegant to vigorous with head-banging, rock star energy. The German-Canadian cellist Johannes Moser has been hailed by Gramophone Magazine as “one of the finest among the astonishing gallery of young virtuoso cellists.” and he has performed with the world’s leading orchestras such as the Berlin Philharmonic, New York Philharmonic, Chicago Symphony and London Symphony to name but a few.

Speaking of his performance experiences with Yamaha’s SVC-110 Silent Cello, Johannes comments that:

“The Yamaha SVC 110 that I have been using for my performances of MAGNETAR offers a totally natural cello feel as well as perfect electro-acoustic results through the pickup system. It is a joy to use this instrument since I can completely focus on the music and don’t have to worry about any complications like different measurements or technical differences. I can switch seamlessly between my old Guaneri Cello to the Yamaha electric cello, which enables pure artistic freedom rather than getting stuck with technicalities.”

These performances present a fantastic opportunity to hear a fantastic cellist play a piece of music that demonstrates perfectly how exciting and dramatic performances can be when combined with the versatility of a Silent Cello. Don’t miss it!

To find out more about Johannes Moser, please visit -