International Women Day 2021 - Patricia Cimpoiasu

This year to honour the International Women Day, we’re shining a light on Women Who Make Waves in the music industry, celebrating their achievements and incredible journey’s.
We’ve sat down with Patricia Cimpoiasu, cello player of Amadeus quartet, the all female group that, with their unique rhythm and sound, has created a whole new modern music scene in the shadows of many famous classical musicians. Learn more about Patricia in the interview below:
What message would you address to your younger self?
As my mind goes back to my childhood, when I used to spend hours in my study room, thinking about my friends, who were playing outside, I remember feeling how those first years of studying an instrument were the toughest for me. There were days when it seemed to me that I was being punished with all those infinite hours of rhythmical and technical exercises.
But now, after some years, I'd have something else to tell to myself as a kid and to all the kids of the present day: the musical instrument can become your best playmate, for the rest of your life! If you started out on this road and you feel the joy of music filling your soul, you need to know that this bond develops and is maintained through a very complex itinerary. You need time to adjust to this new part of your life, time and perseverance. So, try to be patient with yourself, always curious about what you're going to learn next. Try to be consistent in your everyday study, be willing to develop the deepness of each musical phrase you study and please be brave in everything you express. Be unique!
What does it mean to you to express yourself?
I'm pretty reserved as a person and very discreet in expressing myself. But the way I communicate visually and musically in front of a crowd, that's totally different. It all becomes an overwhelming moment, when I feel the need to close my eyes so that I will be able to open up my soul in all its depth, expressing through my cello the most intimate musical phrases.
What was the most important moment, which encouraged you on your musical path?
One of the most important moments in my musical career was 14 years ago, when I received an offer to become a member of Amadeus, an international artist, and I refused, thinking it was a hoax. I just couldn't believe it was real or that I deserved it. After I told my parents about that, they intervened and pointed me on the right path with the best advice, the same way they do every time. I think that parents and teachers play a decisive role for the success of an artist. They have the power to sustain, motivate, and guide a child in the sincerest way. In the first years of study, a child doesn't understand very well why you must be consistent and perseverant, so their role is vital for that child's further development.